Week 10 — 20 August 2021


If somebody asked you to draw ketchup, what would you sketch? This is the question Heinz agency Rethink asked people in their latest campaign for the brand. The outcome: you guessed it, Heinz is ketchup. And as any marketer will tell you, when your brand is the product, or vice versa, you have successfully completed the end game. Heinz, Hoover welcomes you to the hall of fame!

Stand back, it's a context collapse! ➜

There's no question that the digital revolution is outpacing human evolution. Context collapse is a catchy name for a 6th form band, but it's not a phenomena we'd given too much thought to until we stumbled on this brilliantly insightful piece. An example of how context, or lack it, effects digital culture, social comment and human behaviour – sometimes with explosive consequences – even over parallel parking.

Adidas v's Lego! ➜

Sneaker pimps rejoice, for once again the classic Superstar shoe has had a collaborative design makeover. This time Adidas have literally let go with Lego. Apparently these playful treads have been created ‘for your inner child’ or, in other words, middle-aged male graphic designers.

Cut outs without scissors (or Photoshop) ➜

Say you wanna cut out lots of images from (or for) the web, but don't have the tools, skills or time to do it. Photoshop is a steep, deep and expensive learning journey for anyone setting up a side-hustle or just wanting to quickly swap out the background on a pic or two. Well, say hello to ClipDrop. Watch the (witchcraft) demo. Get the app. Clip yourself silly! 


Untold: Malice at the Palace ➜

On the face, a documentary about a fierce rivalry and a pivotal game in the 2004 NBA season, but in detail, an exploration of the domino effect. How one action in an extraordinary moment, can cause everything to fall.


Loving in Stereo ➜

Get your roller boots at the ready and wrap your King Lears around this funk driven triumph from the West Ends finest Josh Lloyd-Watson and Tom McFarland, AKA Jungle.

The Grove brand

The Grove

Identity and branding for a new residential development in Norbury for Northhold.

If you only click one thing...


Whichever side of Manchester's football divide you fall, you've still got to admire the wordplay of John Cooper Clarke.


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30 Aug 21 — QR codes, Tony Hawk, Sean Lock and 007


13 Aug 21 — Portfolios, Creativity, Yoga and Bo Burnham