Week 12 — 3 September 2021
There's a great line in the brilliant Joshua Ferris novel, Then we Came to an End – which, once read, cant be forgotten, it goes: "Creative creatives creating creative creative." That actually makes sense, so it's no wonder creatives can sometimes seem at best enigmatic, at worst, on a different plane. To assist, here's Hubspot's guide to communicating with them to get the results you (and we) want.
As favourite acronyms go, OOH is right up there. It's practically impossible to discuss Out Of Home (OOH) without imagining clutching the strap of a tiny handbag to one's chest. Immaturity and handbags to one side, Channel 4 are on a sticky wicket with this TFL bus banner for Naked Attraction. You can see why. Unwitting traveller unknowingly labelled latent pervert! Also, Naked Attraction...Who the? What the? Why the?
An interesting new concept. A social media platform which allows users only a finite amount of posts. Not per day, or month, but per lifetime. 100 to be precise. This is the premise of Minus. It's an intriguing experiment. Can a social platform grow without constantly demanding user content and attention? Could rationing reduce our levels of social oversharing? To us, it at least seems a worthwhile exercise in encouraging thoughtfulness and consideration across a medium which usually boasts a staggering lack of both.
As branding plays go, Marmite's "Love it, hate it" is a stone cold Hall of Famer. To the extent that literally any remotely divisive thing in everyday life can be perfectly nutshelled as "a bit marmite". The new Land Rover Defender / tequila shots / Christiano Ronaldo...you get the picture. One thing though which was never "a bit marmite" – was beer! Until now.
Vigil ➜
BBC iPlayer
Super-slick production. Strong cast. Sharp writing and intensely tense.
Gripping start to the Beebs latest headline drama.
Care for something a little more uplifting? May we recommend these seriously summery vibes...
New website and campaign collateral for the award-winning canalside community, Middlewood Locks.

If you only click one thing...
A short (2 min) but highly entertaining watch.
We sense there may be a series in these somewhere.