Week 32 — 22 Jul 2022
You see the headline above? It's 11 words and 65 characters long – and this, according to Buzzsumo, is the absolute sweet spot for headline efficacy. They should know, as they've analysed over 100 million of them to land at this insightful discovery. Our example also includes one of the most reportedly influential headline terms; 'will make you'. So let's see shall we... the piece will fulfil its promise to improve your marketing chops, but will you go ahead and click?
How not to be a red flag – a useful guide for clients ➜
Let's head over to Articles-We-Didn't-Have-The-Conviction-To-Write-Ourselves-Corner, where you'll find us roundly applauding creative comrade Danielle Pender. Her article for It's Nice That, throws light (then shade) on some of the spurious tactics some clients deploy to cajole, coerce or blag precious agency time and creative resource. It's written for agencies – but the mirror reflection is the perfect guide as to how not to act, as a client, if you want your creative partnerships to prosper.
Design looks to be the biggest loser in Tory leadership race ➜
Whatever your level of political apathy, you can't have missed that the UK is on the verge of acquiring, by default, a new Head Prefect. What you may have not have spotted though, were the outstandingly bad campaign logos and straplines that each of the leadership hopefuls unveiled as they enthusiastically declared their disloyal ambitions. We can't hope to top @_F_B_G's hilarious review and scathing critique of these, so we're not gonna try. Just hit the link.
Feeling crap? Get a pet! ➜
Sometimes the simplest concepts win the day, as is the case here with Uncommon's campaign for Many Pets Insurance. It uses brilliant imagery and simple copy to highlight how our pets make us feel. The ads also feature stats from a survey completed by the brand, which found that 89% of people say their pet helps them deal with anxiety and stress, and 90% of people say their pets help them feel calm. So not only are they adorable, fluffy and cute – they're provenly good for you.
Does your logo look or point the right way? ➜
Is your logo a lefty? Does it point, face or look left? If so, we have some insight for you. There are 62 Fortune 500 logos that can be said to be facing or moving laterally – and of these, 82% go right. This makes sense when you think Western text reads from left to right, it feels like the natural order of things, but it hasn't always been thus. Why, you may ask. Heraldry we would reply! And here begineth the history lesson.
Moon Safari — Air ➜
Almost a quarter of a century old, but the perfect soundtrack to being beautifully bewildered by the universe.
Palatine Private Equity website ➜
New website for ESG focused private equity house.
If you only click one thing...
We've seen the future.
On really little lenses.
The Drumbeat Drop is our candid take on the weird, wired, wonderful world we work in.
Served straight-up fortnightly.
With a slice of insight and garnished with lots of links we think you'll like.